Q&A with Celeste Pang on Aging and Living Well Tags Article, Caregiving, End-of-life care, Healthcare access, Long-term care, Promising practices, Service providers, Social isolation
Superior Morning: Celeste Pang, LGBTQ+ Seniors Tags Dementia, Health and Wellbeing, Long-term care, Media Interview
Leading & Learning WITH PRIDE: A Revitalized Tool Kit on Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors Tags Lived experience, Long-term care, Ontario, Promising practices, Toolkit
Reorienting Response: An Ethnography of Old Age, Disability, and Queer Lives in Canada Tags Disability, Dissertation, Long-term care, Representation
Social Isolation and Loneliness: The Potential Impacts of the Global Pandemic on 2S- LGBTQ+ Seniors Living in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes Tags Long-term care, Social isolation
Leaving no one behind in long-term care: Enhancing socio-demographic data collection in long-term care settings Tags Long-term care, Report, Socio-demographic data
A Home For All: 2SLGBTQI+ Resources for Long-Term Care Homes Tags Long-term care, Promising practices, Resource Collection
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Inclusivity in Long-Term Care Homes: A Canadian Perspective Tags Article, Healthcare access, Long-term care
Dying in Long-Term Care: Perspectives from Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults about Their Fears and Hopes for End of Life Tags Article, End-of-life care, Long-term care
“Could We Hold Hands?” Older Lesbian and Gay Couples’ Perceptions of Long-Term Care Homes and Home Care Tags Article, Healthcare access, Long-term care
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults and Residential Care Environments – Final Report Tags Long-term care, Report, Saskatchewan
Aging Out: Moving towards queer and trans* competent care for seniors Tags Caregiving, Long-term care, Report