Interview with Alzheimer Society of Canada about their recent report release, “The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada” Tags Dementia, Promising practices, Social isolation
Q & A on aging in place and housing for 2SLGBTQI older adults with Victor Perez-Amado Tags Promising practices, Service providers, Social isolation
Q&A with Celeste Pang on Aging and Living Well Tags Article, Caregiving, End-of-life care, Healthcare access, Long-term care, Promising practices, Service providers, Social isolation
Q & A with matthew heinz on the Aging with Dignity Needs Assessment Tags Promising practices, Service providers, Social isolation
Q&A with Susan Braedley on Public Services that Work for 2SLGBTQI Older Adults Tags Promising practices, Service providers
“We Have to Advocate so Hard for Ourselves and Our People”: Caring for a Trans or Non-Binary Older Adult with Dementia Tags Dementia, Promising practices
2SLGBTQI Identity and Dementia: An Introduction for Healthcare and Social Service Professionals Tags Dementia, E-module, Promising practices
Ageing with PRIDE: Understanding the Unique Needs and Ways to Support 2SLGBTQIA+ Seniors Tags Allyship, Promising practices, Webinar
Leading & Learning WITH PRIDE: A Revitalized Tool Kit on Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors Tags Lived experience, Long-term care, Ontario, Promising practices, Toolkit
Coming Out and Coming In to Living with Dementia: Enhancing Support for 2SLGBTQI People Living with Dementia and their Primary Unpaid Carers Tags Caregiving, Dementia, Healthcare access, Promising practices, Report
Turning up the Volume on 2SLGBTQIA+ Needs in the Dementia Space Tags Dementia, Panel, Promising practices
Inclusive Practices toward LGBT Older Adults in Healthcare and Social Services: A Scoping Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence Tags Article, Healthcare access, Promising practices
Health in Focus: LGBT2SQ Seniors Tags Educational Resource, Mental health, Promising practices, Social isolation
Do we really get to choose our own story? (Re)imagining community support with transgender and non-binary older adults Tags Dissertation, Lived experience, Promising practices
Forgotten lives: Trans older adults living with dementia at the intersection of cisgenderism, ableism/cogniticism and ageism Tags Article, Dementia, Promising practices
A Home For All: 2SLGBTQI+ Resources for Long-Term Care Homes Tags Long-term care, Promising practices, Resource Collection
Care and LGBT Aging in Canada: A Focus Group Study on the Educational Gaps among Care Workers Tags Article, Healthcare access, Promising practices
Developing Inclusive and Affirming Care for LGBTQ2+ Seniors Tags Age friendly communities, Mental health, Policy, Promising practices, Social isolation, Toolkit
“That would have been beneficial”: LGBTQ education for home-care service providers Tags Article, Healthcare access, Promising practices, Service providers
Aging with Pride: A guide to creating Inclusive Services for LGBTQ2S+ Older Adults Tags Mental health, Promising practices, Social isolation, Toolkit